Natural Reward Podcast
Natural Reward Podcast
Spatial Sorting with Nikunj Goel
In this episode, I speak with Dr. Nikunj Goel about about spatial sorting, which refers to the build up of dispersal morphs on expanding edges of populations. Dr. Goel is a postdoctoral researcher at UT Austin working with Tim Keitt. We begin with a discussion of Dr. Goel’s background in physics and math, how he got interested in biology, and his work in ecology. We then get into Dr. Goel’s views on biological theory, and his approach to using the Price equation to model spatial sorting. I ask Dr. Goel to share his perspective on the conceptual background of spatial sorting, including whether he views it as a type of natural selection, and his approach to modelling it. I then tell Dr. Goel that I think spatial sorting is significant because it is often involved with population expansion and invasion of new habitats. I also tell Dr. Goel about my own views on "general theory" in biology and the use of the Price equation in the field of social evolution. We also cover relevant history of evolutionary theory. See naturalreward.com for a list of references.